Sunday, January 01, 2012

The smell of New Year.

Isn't this pretty? I was looking at a friend's tumblr and I saw this picture. I couldn't not blog it.
Should I get a Tumblr? Hmmm.

Shalalala, Hello! (:
It's the New Year! I can't wait to see what God has planned for me this year. Restoration is the word for this year's theme. When Pastor Henry said the word 'Restoration' I could feel the peace in my heart. I don't know why. I just feel so peaceful. Restoration. Mmmm. I helped my mom to grab the right calendar this year. Last year, my mom grabbed the Tamil version of the calendar, so everything was in Tamil except for the dates and day. :D heehee.

The colour of this year's theme is Red. That means the children church T-shirt might most likely be Red in colour. Woohoo! :) I bet it's gonna be nice. One of the speakers said this during Youth Camp 'If you don't have a personal relationship with God. Stop whatever ministry you're serving. There's no point when you serve without having a personal relationship with God'. I reckon that's so very true. I've been struggling a little, and I'll have to get right with God. It's a promise I've made with God.

Well, I'll start wearing my school uniform again in 2 days time. I'm quite excited actually, but at the same time, I'm quite nervous. I have so much in my mind; who is going to be my teacher? Will my classmates like me? Will the chair and table be nice? haha. So many more. I worry a lot, that's something I have to change. :D teeheee. Well, I didn't make a list of what to change, but I know roughly what to change. :D

  • Start waking up early; for devotion. (I have to wake up early, I'll be a morning sessioner in 2 days time!)
  • Stop worrying so much. Relax more.
*Came up with 2 on the spot! Yeah! :D haha.
*Face update: Pimples are getting lesser! HOOHAA! :)

Well, that's a short update for you!
Happy 2012! This year will be amazing, trust God. :)

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