Wednesday, December 08, 2010

A 'Romantic' bike ride

Once upon a time, a princess was born... woah, woah, ----- a very random thought ---------
Okay, just got back from church. I helped out for the decorations for the 'King and I' play. Well, everything is going really smoothly. Tomorrow, we're going to start painting it! Weee! :) Something to keep me away from 'boredom'.

Today was a really beautiful day, not too hot, and not too cold. I'm loving it! Thank God for such great whether. I'm proud being a Malaysian! :) hahas. Guess who paid a visit at my house? Her name is all over the place. Her name can be found in the bible... And she is.. JOY! yeah. So Joy dropped by my house.

Well, here's the whole story. My pink bicycle's ( hahas, PINK ) tires were out of air, and God sent an 'Angel', and lent me a bicycle pump. You should know who is the 'angel'. She can be really really disgusting, but she could be really really nice too. :) hahas.

So we got back from church, we, together, pump my pink bicycle's tires :) It was quite fun. And it was my first time actually pumping using a bicycle pump to pump my bicycle's tires. Normally, I would take my bike all the way to Shell petrol station nearby my house.

Joy wanted to have a little, free, bike tour around my neighbourhood. So I said, answered stupidly, yes. ( just joking). So I got up my bike, and took the driver's seat, while Joy took the passenger seat, which was behind me :) hahas. It was really hard to balance the bike at first, but I kinda got the hang of it, and we rode around the neighbourhood.

When I was just getting the hang of riding the bike, a cute looking stray dog came up to us. It looked so innocent and nice until it started barking at us. And it started barking and chasing us. I started riding faster, but it didn't work. Dog can run fast *thumbs up*. but in this situation *thumbs down*. The dog actually bit Joy's leg. But it was a puppy bite for a huge dog.

After the horrifying/scary/weird scene/incident. We continued our bike ride. We took a detour to a park near my neighbourhood. It was quite romantic riding a bike with someone behind you, in a nice a quiet park. It reminds me of a scene in a Japanese movie, where the guy ride the bike with a girl behind him. So ROMANTIC :) But of course, in my case, it's not as romantic as the scene in the movie for I'm a girl and the person behind me is a girl too. Plus, she was screaming her way through the bike ride. First was because of the dog, second, it started drizzling and she was getting really really hyper and shouted 'I don't wanna die! I'm too young! Too young!' And I was like 'I'm young too. And I don't wanna die either' So I ride with all my might up the small slope back to my house. And yes, Joy was still screaming.

This is a really interesting yet weird and romantic bike ride I've ever had in my life. And we're actually planing another ''ROMANTIC'' bike ride tomorrow :) So yeah, I'm really looking forward to it. :) (It's a great work out, for me :] ) hahas.

That's all! :)
Jingle bells! :)
God Bless! <3

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