Thursday, June 30, 2011

All the pretty little things

Bonjour! (:
Man, Tumblr has the prettiest pictures! I was actually checking out some of my friend's Tumblr and I found this picture! Pretty huh? Actually some of the pictures that I've put up in my blog are from Tumblr. God has created so many pretty things around us and I reckon that His biggest masterpiece is creating us, humans. It is said in Gen 1:26 (the Bible) 'Let us make human beings in our image, in our likeness'. Well, that simply means that we are all fearfully and wonderfully made. Yay!

Some days, we (even myself) will look in the mirror and find 'imperfection'. And we let those 'imperfection' plaster a frown on our face the entire day. Well, I reckon that we should not let those 'imperfection' ruin the day that God has made for God makes no mistakes.

Reading the dailies can somewhat make me feel devastated for teens now a these days are not like teens in the yesteryear. Frankly speaking, I think teens in the 21st century are growing up too fast. Primary school students are having boyfriends/girlfriends already! And they are like 11 &12-year-old children. That's crazy! They are rushing into 'falling in love' stage which most of the time lead to severe heartbreak and some teens that can't handle it will most probably drop a goodbye note on Facebook and jump off a building. Yet again, that's crazy! That's a really irresponsible act that teens are doing now.

'Curiosity kills the cat'. Many teens in the present are really curious. And their curiosity leads to many consequences. For example, abortion and dumping of babies. A puppy-love relationship can take an innocent baby's life away. How sad is that? Babies are the most innocent creatures on Earth. Well, because they are still so young and delicate. They are gifts from heaven and yet many of them don't even have a chance to live. They don't have the opportunity to live to their fullest potential. I really hope that teachers' in schools will educate students more.

'Love led Christ to the cross'
Then, there are those that reckons no one in the world loves and cares for them. But they are so so very wrong. There's a God that loves every single one of us so very much that he's willing to send His one and only son to mingle with us, sinners. He eventually died on the cross for us and He rose on the third day. Today, He's alive and He's loving us so very much.

I really thank God for placing me in the Royal Rangers ministry for it has helped me so very much in my life. Rangers is my life. Without Rangers, I don't think I will be who I am today. I really thank God for the commanders that really commit themselves in this ministry. I'm really grateful to have them as my teachers. I have learned so much from them and of course, there are many more things that I have to learn from them and I'm really excited to learn everything that they have to teach me. I will cherish every single moment that I have with the Royal Rangers. (: I love RANGERS! (:

Cherish all the pretty little things that God has placed in your life;
Open your eyes and see pretty little things that God has placed in your life. (: