Tuesday, April 23, 2013


ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-nana. because bananas are high in potassium. and i like bananas, kinda. maybe, maybe not. hah. but seriously, bananas are yummy. especially with cereal. blueberry cereals, to be exact. oh, speaking of cereals. i wished i was living in cereal land. how cool will it be to wake up to trillions and trillions of cereals? with blueberries! it's just plain fantastic. it's like heaven on earth! cereals are the bomb. they are so crunchy and your teeth will have such a great time chewing them because they are just so crunchy. beware, cereals can be addictive. it has the power to make you think about it, fantasize that you are actually eating it and even dedicate a blog post to it. how awesome are they? they are so small, yet they have such a great impact to one's life. i am one of them and i'm sure there are many more out there! don't deny it. they are so yummy. simply the best thing ever created. plus, they are healthy. a super healthy way to start your day with. you know what they say, breakfast is the most important meal of the day! ;)

this post doesn't make any sense. but, hey, it's not wrong to express your love for something right? :)

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