"Guard your heart more than any treasure, for it is the source of all life"
~ Proverbs 4:23
'Guarding your heart is not a matter of avoiding the pains in life. It's a matter of keeping your heart tender before God no matter what the circumstances. An unprotected heart becomes callused with each collision with pain. A callused heart becomes hard. A hard heart is too broken for relationship with God or with people. Therefore, guard your heart "for it is the source of all life".' :)
Somehow, it feels like a new season - a season of love. Everywhere I go, I see them - love birds holding hands; couples sharing a drink -. This is the season where they claim that they are madly in love with each other. The exchange of sweet and mushy text messages that ends with 'I love you'; the way they look into each other's eyes; the way they whisper into each other's ears....
Seeing them make me wonder what it'll be like to be in a relationship and what does it takes to make a relationship last. But, what is love? Well, I guess there's no definite definition for love. This four-letter word is too hard to be explained but, easier to demonstrate or expressed through actions.
I reckon that the greatest love that has been expressed in human history is the love of Jesus. He sacrificed himself for everyone - every single human being on earth. He was destined to be hung on the cross, but before He was hung on the cross, He had to carry His own cross and He - the Almighty God - was beaten so badly. He didn't have to do this. He didn't have to care. But He did. He did all of that out of love. And therefore; my definition of Love is God and God is Love.
How can a relationship last with the absence of God, when God is love? How can we love when we don't have God? We love because He first loved us. A love that is so genuine; a love that can only be found in Him. And I pray real hard that God will continue to fill me with His love so I can love the world through His love.
Relationships are super-duper-uber complicating therefore, I'm letting God take control! Woohoo! :)
Until my season of love comes, I will wait.
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