Thursday, February 02, 2012

Bubbly-licious (:

Teach me how to look for You wholeheartedly O Lord.

Hello you! (:
As I made my way into a spacious classroom that was filled with students who were seated in groups, chatting warm heartedly with one another, I made my way to my small group of friends that were seated behind the classroom. I sat on the same seat as the week before Chinese New Year and it was pretty comfortable. I was able to see the white board clearly, so I had no complains. We were all getting ready (sort of) for Pn Molly to enter the class to start our Science tuition today.

Pn Molly took was a little late today and I had some time to chat with my friends and, also, to let my mind wander a little. Suddenly, something hit me; it hit me hard all right. Well, it didn't hit me physically (if it did, I wouldn't be typing now); it hit me hard mentally.

It's the second day of the second month of year twentytwelve. Wow. I'm a two-month-old Form 3 student already! Man oh man. I haven started studying for PMR yet! 8 more months to go. Now, 8 months may be a long time, but time is flying really fast alright. So there's no time to waste!

I have been pretty busy lately, with all the activities that are happening in school and all. I'm starting to think that I'm making a lot of commitment for myself. Plus, monthly test is next week! Every night, I can fall asleep straight away although I've slept for an hour in the afternoon. I'm always tired now a these days. Lately, I've been feeling a little lost, a little confused. Do pray for me! (: Now, here are some goals that I've to reach by the end of this month...

  • Be true to myself.
  • Start sleeping early.
  • Start studying for PMR.
  • Fast Facebook for a month? #Yes, you've read it right! I'm planning to fast Facebook again. Not sure if I can. I've been so hooked to Facebook now a these days and I reckon that it's time that I start to fast again.
  • Devotion. #Fix your thoughts on Jesus, whom we acknowledge as our apostle and high priest.# FOCUS ON GOD!!!
Ohoh! I've managed to join the debate team!!! Praise the Lord! :) Its going to be a great experience!

:) What is humanly impossible is possible for Christ!
Till then,
Bubbly-licious! :) Stay happy!

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