Friday, June 04, 2010

Shalalalaaaaa :)

'' Everlasting, Your Light will shine when all else fade;
Your Light broke through my night (: ''

Eloooooo (: Thanks for dropping by (:
Well, today was the last day of the semester. :) Wheeeee...
Went to school around 12.30 :) attended CF as usual. Today the worship leader wanted to worship then only praise.Well I think it's pretty nice ;) Then as usual, people will go up to the front and gave their testimony :) Next was announcements. BK quiz coming up. Don't think I'm gonna join. :) Kinda scared. Maybe next year. But I'm going for runners. Wheeee... It's gonna be so much fun :) Pn Carol actually wanted to show us a video called Acts. It's this movie about the book of Acts. Unfortunately the DVD wasn't playing so well, so we couldn't enjoy it. So Pn Carol asked us to get into groups and pray for the nation and stuff like that ;) So we got into groups and started praying. :) Lastly, Pn Carol ended CF with a prayer, then the afternoon sessions had to leave for class.

When we went to the canteen to grab our bags, the canteen was so empty. No one to be found. Everyone vanished within minutes. One of my friend (Can't remember who) said that it's pretty late, so we better hurry. Then I imagined Pn Santhi angry face. I quickly took my bag and off I went to class. You got it right! :) Pn Santhi was in class already. So I entered, and I said sorry to Pn Santhi. Surprisingly, she didn't ask for any explaination. She just excused me :) Wheeee. :)

It was around the 7th period. It didn't rain! Wheee. That means PJK! Whoo hooo.. We changed into our P.E clothes and off we went to the field. Today no one really wanted to PE so they sat down and chat with our teacher. While, Gillian, Geraldine, JiaWei, Eunice, Gita and I played monkey. It was fun. But it's not nice being the monkey! (:

After PJK was English. Today Pn Genga didn't give us any homework. Instead, she decided to play games with us. The first game was Spelling Bee. It was a really intense game. I was out after the 3rd round. :) Gillian was the winner! Wheeeeee. Girl rules :-) The second game was Scharade. Girls vs Boys. Pn Genga wanted us to make a sentence containing 4 words to act out. The boys acted first. They didn't get the point. Wheee. :) The sentence given was I feel happy today. Then the girls act. We didn't get the point either. :( The sentence given was We are the champion.Then the girls acted one more time. This time we got the first three words right, but there weren't enough time for us to guess the last word. So we didn't get the point. :( This time the sentence was We love the Simsons. LOL. Then the boys acted. They didn't get the point either ;) hahas. The sentence given was Life is about playing. So it was a tie. The last game we played was Simon says. It's an easy game, but I was out :) hahas. The winner is Marcus Ho. So I guess it's a tie between the girls and boys. :) 1-1 :) English was the last period, so we counted down 5, 4, 3,2,1..... WHooooo! :) The class shouted with joy :) We wished everyone happy holidays, and went home :)

That's all :) Happy Holidays! Take Care, Enjoy and God bless! :)

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