Sunday, June 06, 2010

Making mistakes

'' Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Making mistakes is part of life''

EllOooooo :)
Today I went to church really early, because I had to back up sing for Children Church. Once I reached church, everyone was there already. So we went through the songs that we were gonna sing. Soon it was time for worship. There were very few children for it is early in the morning, but the children were reall cooperative, they sang and did actions with us. They were so CUTE! :) After worshiping, we had some time to rest. We went to the canteen and chat there. We chat about the lamest and random-est stuff :)

Time passes so fast, it's time to sing for the second service children. This time the room was full of children from the age of 7-12 :) They are so adorable :) So we sang again. And once again the children were really cooperative. They sang and did the actions with energy. And they were really adorable :)

After that, we attended the Youth service. Guess who is the speaker today? My brother. :) The title of his sharing was ''I am pregnant''. When I heard him say it, it sounded so wrong. Then he explained, ''If you are pregnant, everyone will know that your pregnant; If you have God, everyone will know that you have God.''

He showed us some short clips. There was one particular one that really touched me. This video its about this girl, she and her team mates participate in a baseball game. This girl, her name is Sarah, she planned to make a homerun in this game because she never did a homerun before. Soon it was her turn to hit the ball. She hit it really hard, and the ball flew over the fence. At that point, she knew she did it, all she had to do was run the diamond. When she was about to run, she tore her muscles, and she was on the ground. Everyone paniced, everyone didn't know what to do. Her team-mates wanted to help Sarah, but they couldn't, because the rule says that if any team mate help her run the diamond, they will minus 2 points, eventually making them lose the game. Suddenly two girls for the opponent team came up to Sarah and carried her. They carried her and walked the entire diamond, and then putting her on the bench. It was really touching. I mean it was a game, and its almost one in a million to see a opponent team helping the other team right? :) so yeahh. :)

Well thats it for today. :)
Take care! :) Enjoy your holidays! :)
Jenyeeeah! :) XOXO

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