Monday, June 07, 2010


'' Arrogant, Proud, Humble, Kind, Patient, Faithful, Loving, Easy going, Crazy, Hyper, Short Tempered....... Who are you?''

Hello! :) Thanks for dropping by again! :)
Today around 8, I went for a English tuition in Tropicana. My teacher is a 70 year old lady. Really friendly, really kind, really awesome! :) She is Mrs. J. As usual, she will discuss our essays that we wrote.

Then she told us what happened to her hand that was wrap with bandage. She said, she had a trigger finger. There was a lump somewhere around her thumb. What cause this? She said over 7o years of doing house work such as ironing, sweeping the floors, scrubbing the floor, washing the clothes, put too much pressure on her right hand and eventually a lump appear.

She went to a government hospital to get an operation last Friday. The operation was really successful. She was asked to stay in the hospital for one night, but she refused. Because she is a very independent lady. The doctor had no choice but to let her go home. (:

Everytime, Mrs J will share some advice with us. Today's advice really touched me. Today Mrs J talked about Character. She told us a story. And the story goes :-

Mrs J had a student. A male. He came from a million air family. He is plum but very smart. His parents have very high hopes and dreams on him, and wants him to be a doctor ( that graduate from the best university) So at the age of 2, he started reading; at the age of 4, he could read books that 6 year olds' couldn't. Because he came from a million air family, he always have a body guard by his side to protect him.

He is very smart. But no one in his school likes him. He comes in expensive car to school, with his body guard by his side. Everything he own are branded goods, and he likes to show them off. That's why no one in his school liked him. But that didn't really bother him. At the age of 15, his parents decided to send him to Sydney to study. He entered the school the way he entered the school in Malaysia. The first day of school, he got beaten up in school. He was bleeding. He could not believe that anyone would do that to him. Well in Malaysia, no one is brave enough to do so. But the whites, they would do anything when they see something irritating. :)

Mrs J ended the class with '' We mustn't be arrogant and a show of person, be a humble person. Most importantly, don't win friends with ur wealth, win friends with your CHARACTER.''

Jenyeeeeah :)
God bless! :)

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