Wednesday, June 23, 2010

JTC Day 3 & 4 :=]

.For God So Loved the World that He gave his ONE and ONLY Son,
That who ever believes in Him shall not perish,
But have eternal Life.
John 3:16

-Random sentence-
It takes loads of courage and faith to really believe or trust someone.
-Random sentence-

Heyy! :)
So here is it! Day 3 & 4 JTC! :)
Well it's basically the same thing the pass two days, just that today, when we were cooking lunch & dinner we were really crazy. :) We sang random songs and told really lame and random jokes. We were actually having fun. :D hahas. yeahh. :) It was really nice to bond with your team mates.

And at the 3rd and final night, we had a special council fire. It's a dedication council fire. Everyone was really serious. Some of us accepted Christ! AMEN! :) hahas. After that, patrol by patrol went back to the campsite and got some rest. We, the Penyu patrol, got to enjoy our delicious chocolate cake. :) It was so DELICIOOOUSSS! :) :) ahhahas. Then we chit-chat for awhile, and started to pack a little, soon we went to sleep for the last night. :)

Day four arrived so quickly, I woke up early and together with the patrol guide, we went to the supply house to get the food. Today's breakfast was ROTI CANAI! :) ahahs. It was really good. :) hahas. Maybe because I'm hungry or the food is really GOOD! :) hahas.

Then, we started to break camp. We took down or tent and everything. Then we went to the parade ground. We sang our song and yell with all our might for the very last time. :) hahas. Then it was graduation time. Thanked God, All of us graduated! :) hahas. We went through the tough times together and we passed the training camp together! :) Wheeeee! :) Then we took group pictures. :) hahas. And soon, JTC had come to an end. :( We carried all our bags and went home. :(

I'm missing camp ALOT! :) really missing it! :) Camp sick! :( Although its a training camp; Although we suffered, but we still had fun! :) hahas. I'm really missing camp. missing camp, missing camp.............

Gotta go now. Needa finish up my project! :)
Nightieee! :)
jenyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah! :)

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