Friday, June 25, 2010

Teacher's Day Celebration :]

Love is not a feeling.
Love is a commitment.
-Sources from Catherine :)-

Today is our, SMKTS, Teachers' Day celebration. :) Many people came yet many people didn't come. :) Siew Yoong didn't come.. :( I wonder why. :) hahas.
Anyways. I didn't expect this Teachers' Day celebration could be this fun! :) First, the teachers had a telematch. WE, the students were sitting down and watching them play. But Rebekah, Sophia, Melaine, ZiLing and I were helping out the CF to make the gifts to give to the teachers. ahhas. The CF made so many nice and colourful cards. We just had to tie the cards to the fans. :) ahhas. The fans are really pretty. We took pictures here and there hahas. :)

Soon it was recess, everyone dashed into the canteen, the canteen was packed with people. We decided not to enter the canteen because we might just waste our time, because there were so many people, we might not get to buy anything to eat >.< so we went back to the R&R. We sat down and bonded with each other x) It was a really nice bonding.

Then it was time to enter the hall to enjoy the performance and so on. :) hahas. We started passing out the fans to the teacher. We didn't expect the teachers to be so choosy, they were picking the colours they wanted. It was kinda kalang-kabut ;) ahhas. Oh well, it's Teacher's Day, no choice ;) ahhas.

The event started of with En. Allen's speach. Then the performance started! :) haahs. All of the performance were awesome! :) The crowd was really crazy, everyone was cheering. :) Really supportive huh? :) ahhas. The dances were really cool! :) They're really talented, so were the singers and musician. They're just wonderful. They got the gift from God! :) ahhas.

After everything, the CF planned an outing, which is walking to the Subway in SS2 for lunch. :) The lunch was really good. :) We had time to bond again. It's just awesome! :)

Jenyeeeeah! :)

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