Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sticky (:

''Sticky. Beyond Awesome (:''

Hello :)
Yesterday ( Wednesday, 09 June 2010) I went out with my friends JOY & DEBBIE :) We went to 1U :) Wheeee :) It's my very first outing with them :) They were suppose to meet in my house around 11, but they ended up coming half and hour earlier :) I was still in my sleeping clothes. :( I quickly changed into my outfit and off we went to 1U. :)

We reached 1U around 11. It was pretty empty :) Teeeeheee :) Debbie and I wanted to watch a movie so badly, so we begged the boss, Joy :) She had no choice but to say yes. So we went up to the cinema :) Whheee. Surprisingly, it was really empty. A few minutes later, we ended up in front of a counter :) We planned to watch the show called Mamarduke :) The dog looked so cute in the poster on the wall xD It was a 1.10 p.m show. And it was only 11.15-ish. Well our main reason of going to 1U is to get the face paint for a camp. It's for the camp fire dress up thingy. :) This year's theme was football fever =.= (:

Debbie wanted to go to the party shop and get the face paint first, but Joy wanted to go and have lunch first >.<>RM 79.90. Woah. Three of us came out with RM80 :) Phewww. :) But the waiter returned RM2.10. He returned an extra dollar. So we returned the extra dollar ;)

After that, we went to the party shop! :) It has anything and everything in there. :) Loads of cute stuff. :) Deb got her face paint, and Joy found the light stick that I've madly fallen in love with :) The light stick it's just so awesome! :) After that, we went to the store next to the party shop. It's STICKY! :) hahas. Joy and I grabbed the smallest jar of sticky and went to the counter. It was only 12.30. Deb suddenly said that she wants to get a few games for her DS. So we walked to the games shop, located in the old wing. After giving the lady her DS memory card, we planned to walk back to the cinema for the show was going to start.

Our journey back to the cinema, we got distracted. Baskin Robins!! :) Wednesday!! Pink day!! :) I was carrying pink bag, and Debbie was wearing a shirt with a mixture of pink in it. :) So we went to Baskin Robins and get two scoops of ice cream with the price of one! :) hahas. I shared my ice-cream with Joy. :) Joy chose the chocolate chip and cookie and cream ice cream; while Deb chose the green tea and... I can't remember the name:) Then Joy suddenly said :'' It's 1.11!! :) hahas. We ate our ice-cream while walking back to the cinema. Luckily we finished the ice cream before entering the cinema :) Wheeee.

The movie was great, outing was fun. :)

Thats all. :)
God bless.

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