Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Be happy

'' Don't Worry, Be happy. Always keep a smile on your face ;)''

HeLLoooo :) How's life?
Well, I woke up kinda late today :) Whoops. I played a friendly ball game with my brother. (Using a soft ball). Then I went to school. I was almost late for school. Man! What's with the word ' LATE ' appearing in my wonderful morning?

Once I stepped out of the car, I walked quickly and enter the school gate; passed the prefects, *sigh of relieve* 'I'm not late!' Wheeee.. Then I went to the canteen. Once I entered the canteen and planned to sit down and relax for awhile, the bell ring, GREAT! But I didn't care, I sat down and got some rest. I looked at the other side of the canteen, I saw one of my close friend (I'm not going to mention who) sitting and chatting so happily with her *ahemm* Feel so happy for her. LOL! hahas.

Then Kaelynne and I walked to class together, after seeing Kaelynne entered her class, I walked up the stairs and entered my class. I was hoping for an awesome day in school after the drama yesterday. Sometimes I enjoy watching drama in class, but sometimes I don't I just cannot take it. So I sat down at my place, took out my bottle, got a sip of water, tooked a deep breathe and greeted my History teacher. I saw her holding our class test papers, we're gonna get back our exam papers ;) hahas. I was quite satisfied with my marks :) Then Gill called me and passed me the series book that I've been waiting for, for two days. Wheeeee.. But then, YingHui wanted to read the fourth book, so I lend her the book first. :)

*Ringggg* the bell rang. Next period was English. :) After awhile, my English teacher, Pn.Genga entered the class. Then she passed us some papers to let us do. Then she asked the girl that was involved in the drama yesterday, why she was caught in the drama, then she explained and stuff like that. *sigh* It's happening again, Dejavu! Then somehow teacher suddenly asked who has a boy/girlfriend no one answered. Then she called the people that was involve in this. And she sort of like advice them and stuff like that.

After that period, the aura in the class was really down. Everyone was quite for the first time. *ringgggg* the bell rang again, English period ended!:) Then it was Art. Teacher passed us our test paper, and asked us to do our corrections. I immediately got to work. Suddenly the class started to talk and began to get noisier and noisier. So I put my pen down and decided to take a look, I turned, I saw many groups of people chit-chatting. Some groups were happy, some were sad, some was angry, the others were doing their work.

I was like woah, so chaotic. :) hahas. After recess, everything went back to the way it was. Wheeeee ;)

Well thats all for today! :)
God bless!

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