Friday, October 07, 2011

Death is a comma, not a fullstop.

Indeed my friends, long time no see! (: It's been ages since I've blogged.

Let's get started, shall we?

'Death is a comma, not a fullstop.'

I came across this quote when I was looking for pictures to blog; and I thought this quote made a little sense. For me, a believer, death is somehow a good thing because I get to be with my Creator, my Saviour. But, of course, everything happens accordingly; everything happens according to His timing. He'll know when is the right time to take me home.

But I can't deny the fact that I fear death.
I sound so emotional. I shall blog about something else. :)

#Now playing : Before the morning; Josh Wilson.
'The pain that you're feeling can't compare to the joy that's coming'

Finals will be starting in two weeks time. Have been studying, but I don't feel the readiness yet. So I'll have to try harder! Study hard and Study smart! :D haha. Well, Josh Wilson encourages me with the songs he sings. The lyrics for 'Before the morning' is really great for it makes me realize that 'the pain that you're feeling can't compare to the joy that's coming'. The feeling after completing a tough examination, the feeling of getting good grades definitely can't compare to the pain that I'm feeling right now. With the help and wisdom from my Creator, I'll study hard to bring glory and praises for Him. :)

See you soon! :)
Back to work!

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