Sunday, February 27, 2011

Promise of Salvation

'for, everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved'
-Romans 10:13

YoooHoooo! (:
Hello my beautiful darlings! Not many rangers came for Rangers meeting today, but it was still fun. Aviation trip is coming up in the March holidays! Man oh man, I can't wait! We'll be doing so many cool stuff during the trip. We get to literally drive a plane (stimulation)! We get to enter an airplane hangar and see how planes get serviced. (: It's a once in a lifetime opportunity! I cannot wait! Thanks to Cmdr Adrian, the pilot, we could get access to all these places! (:

Where will you be going if you die today?
Sure, everyone would want to go to heaven, but how sure are you that you will go up?
'The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus.' Romans 6:23
There is only one way up.

CF Camp twentyeleven is approaching! (:
*jumps in excitement!*

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