Sunday, June 20, 2010

JTC Day 2

We must be faithful to God.
''We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.''

Hey hey... :) So here it is! :) Day 2~
Heard a familar voice.... '' Wake up guys!!'' Sarah said. Immediately, Belinda and I got up. It was around 6 am. That day's patrol guide was Grace; Assistant Guide was Jen Yee; Cook was Sarah. So Grace and Sarah went to the supply house and grabbed our breakfast while others try to start the fire. We're suppose to cook scrambled eggs with bread. Soon Sarah and Grace were back with the food, but the fire wasn't built yet. We were trying our best to start the fire, but we failed.

Around 7.45 am, Cmdr Eric came to our campsite. He saw us trying to start the fire (but failed) so he asked us to eat a piece of bread and change into our uniform for we need to do devotion and go for parade. We did what we're told. And soon we were making our way to the parade ground. The patrol guide was holding the banner that we made yesterday and everyone was wearing the bolo tie we made yesterday. We look alike ;) ahhas. We sang our song and yell on the way there. :) hahas.

Soon we reached the parade ground. Not awhile later all the patrols arrived, we lined up properly and we started. Oh yeahh. :) There were 9 patrols they are :-
Penyu-nique Patrol
Sang Musang
OMG Engang
Pro2 Kancil
Mighty Gajah
Super Seladang
Beruang Madu Hebat
Cool Orang Utan
Royal Harimau

All of them presented their song and yell. Their song and yell were really cute and interesting and also funny. hahas. We had to present our flag too. I was in charge of presenting my patrol's flag. :) I was sivering when I was presenting it. I hope I did well. :) ahhas. After that it was the morning classes. The morning classes were about Rope Craft, Fire Craft, Tool Craft and Lashing. :) Whoooo! :) My favourite was Lashing! :) ahhas. I like connecting two stuff together x) hahas.

Then it was time to live the nightmare all over again. It was time to prepare lunch. Today's lunch was Maggie meee... :) It's easy to cook... AT HOME. But in camp... not really... the fire was the scariest part. :) Hahas. We were praying really hard. We didn't really eat breakfast in the morning, we HAVE to eat. :) Plus today our guest were the CAMP COMMANDER!!! Man!! More pressure *sigh* What can I say... It's a training camp.. :) oh well.

We went to collect our stuff as a patrol. Then off we went back to our campsite. Some of us started preparing the firewood according to what we learn during Fire Craft Class; while some of us got the food ready. Before I strike the match, we all gathered and prayed together. Then I striked the match, the match caught fire; soon the shavings caught fire, then the twigs got fire, then we started feeding it. :) Thanked God! :) We managed to start the fire! :) Praise the Lord! :) Soon the fire got bigger and bigger, Sarah put the pot of water on the fire and the water started boiling, then we put the maggie mee in, next was the egg, and lastly was the seasoning. The fire was still burning!! :) Praise the LORD!! :) Then Sarah and Grace invited the camp commander. Soon they were back. Then we gathered together and we started eating. Woah!! :) the maggie mee was so delicious. The camp commander was nodding his head when he was eating. :) We ere so proud of ourselves. Of course, all praises to God! :)

Then we started cleaning up, then off we went for classes again. This time the class was about Dutch Oven and Compass. :) I was really looking forward about the Dutch Oven class. :) I find it really cool and interesting. :) Guess who was the teacher for the Dutch Oven Class? Cmdr Terrance. :) Wheee.. :) He baked Apple Crumble for us. While he was doing the steps, he explained everything clearly. :) Hahas. After 30 minutes, the Apple Crumble was done. :) I took a bite of it, and it was really delicious! :) hahas. :) Maybe I was kinda hungry... but honestly it was good. :) hahas.

Then we went for our Compass Class. Compass Class was quite interesting too! :) hahas. Cmdr Ruben was teaching and guiding us how to use the compass. :) It was really fun playing with the compass. The red needle thingy will just keep on spinning when you are spinning.. :) LOL! hahas. I was really surprised when Cmdr Ruben told us that we are going to have a Compass test tomorrow. PRACTICAL!!! :) hahas. And he said that we could fail JTC if we don't pass the compass test. :) hahas. We were all really scared to fail JTC, well because we don't wanna go through it again... hahash. :)

Then it was water games. We didn't have enough time to play the first game, but we had enough time to play the second game. :) We had to lie down and pass the bucket of water to the person behind using our feet.!! I was thinking who thought of this creative game... hahas. :) but we didn't lie on our back, we just sat on the ground and pass the bucket of water to the back. :) Penyu Patrol didn't win, but we had fun ahahhas. :) After the game, Ann started the water fight, then I started pouring the bucket of water onto someone else ahhahas. :) It's really fun! :)

Next, it was time to prepare dinner, just that this time we are using Charcoal instead of fire!! :) hwoooo!!!!! Once we collected our food and stuff, we started preparing everything immediately. :) And we managed to cook, but didn't managed to eat it, well because it was time for parade and the Senior Guide was rushing us because we were really behind time. :) Then off we went to parade ground. Then we had our evening classes. :) Then we went back to the campsite, we were hoping that we could eat, but we couldn't we have to get ready for the campfire, FOOTBALL FEVER. Off I went and changed into my costume ( my brother's jersey and a blue football pants) BRAZILLLL!!! :) My costume was the same as Ann. :) We entered the campfire place and settled down, then I saw Ann getting her face painted with Debbie's face paint. ( Remember bout the face paint I mention earlier? That's the one! :]) Then I ran up and gave her a hug for we were wearing the same thing. Then I got my face painted. :) Then the campfire started. It was really awesome. Mexican wave, Song and yell.... AWESOME!:) Then we went back to our campsite and enjoyed our Pork Stew noodles. :) It was tasty! :) Yummy! :) But before that, Belinda, Joy, Lydia and I went and bathe. :) I was suppose to go to the toilet with Ann... whooops! :) ahhas.

After bathing and everything, it was time to sleep. Suddenly, Joy came up to Belinda and I asking whether we wanna do the assignments together, we agreed. We did the assignments until 3 am. Then we went back to our tents to sleep. :) Nightssss :) Zzzzzzzzz
Day 3 coming out! :) hahas.

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