Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Dreaming Dreams

This post is long overdue, but hey, it’s never too late.

It has been weeks since I’ve changed my blog’s header. And for weeks, I have been trying to come up with something to blog about the new header but I failed terribly. However, a few days ago, when I was reading a borrowed ‘Soul Surfer: Rise Above’ devotional book, an idea just hit me hard on the head like a brick.

Dreaming is something I’m fond of doing. Dreaming gives me another chance to face the harsh reality. Dreaming the wildest dreams make me laugh at myself, but hey, that’s what dreams are suppose to do – to make you happy –, right?

It’s never wrong to dream. In fact, “it’s good to have dreams. But we have to put our hope and faith into something that can’t suddenly disappear. We, I included, need a strong foundation to build our dreams and future plans on” – exert from devo book. I dream often. And my dreams can be as big as Cinderella’s castle but have I placed it on the right ground?

I’m sure everyone is familiar with the two builders’ story. One of the men built his house on sand. The other man built his on rocky ground. When the storm came, the house that was built on sand came tumbling down, whereas the other one stood tall and strong. Wouldn’t it be a waste of time and effort if all our dreams come falling down when the storm comes?

So, where then? Where do you and I build our dreams? “Nothing really lasts except God’s love. If you build your hopes and dreams and your life on Him, you’ll always be on solid ground and able to survive life’s challenges.” There you have it. Build your dreams on God – the solid rock.

I desire to get straight As in PMR and my God says, “I can do all things through Him who gives me strength” (Phil 4:13). I guess my desire is valid. I dream of settling down one day and there’s a saying, “A woman’s heart should be hidden in God, that a man must seek Him to find her.” As long as I plant my dreams on the right ground, I don’t have to worry about the storm anymore.

Right here, I just want to say that albeit there are 7billion++ people in the world, God knows each of our heart’s desire and He will grant them as long as we delight ourselves in Him.

So, have you found your rock solid foundation yet?


I’m a dreamer who dream dreams with happy endings. But I reckon my biggest dream is to inspire; to be able to influence somebody; to be able to make someone stop and think before doing something; to be able to make someone feel happy and encouraged; to be able to make a difference; to be able to have an effect on a person; to simply just inspire.

Till then,
Keep dreaming. (:
*Oh, before I forget, I dream to fly too.