It's April already! Not only that, it's the first day of April, which means, it's April Fool's Day! It's the only time of the year that we get to prank people! Well, it also means that other people can play a prank on you too! That's kind of scary. You don't know what prank would others pull on you. So watch out! (:
Well, the day started off good, I managed to not fall into other people's "trap". But I fell for the oldest trick in the book. 'Hey! Your shoelace is untied!' :O So dumb of me, but when I used that trick on my friends they fell for it, well, not all of them, some of them. Teeheee. :D
It was fun playing/pranking my friends. But on this day, you do not know whether one is serious or not. Some of them can be serious and you may think that they are pulling a prank on you, but they are not. On the other hand, some of them may act serious and when you think they are not pulling a prank on you, they are. You get me? I hope you do. (:
Hmm, how should I end this post?
-i like purple (: teeheeee.
-i like purple (: teeheeee.
It's time for me to step out of my comfort zone, and do something different;
something out of the ordinary.
Loads of love,
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