Sunday, July 22, 2012

To seek or not to seek perfection?

Many strive to be perfect. But what many don't see is that no matter how hard one tries to be perfect, one will never be perfect. We are, after all, just human beings. So why waste time worrying of what other's think? So what if you make a mistake? Embrace your mistakes and learn from them. We are who we are because of our mistakes. How can you walk if you don't fall first? How will you succeed if you don't know the taste failure? If one really is perfect, one will never have room for improvement. One will never be better. One will stay the same, forever. Therefore,
perfection won't let you go far. 


I'm struggling mentally, physically and spiritually. I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and this led me to confusion, depression &the lack of motivation to study. I'm confused because I don't know how my future is going to turn out or where I'm going or what I'm going to do. I'm depressed because I'm having doubts - I don't know whether I'll get to the destination that God wants me to go. I can't study because my mind is too caught up with all these and have caused myself unnecessary stress. Plus, the constant countdown reminder I get for trials aren't helping.

I know that God has a blueprint for my life, but I can't help but worry. My future is a blur if you asked me what the future is like to me. Because I can't picture myself being a grown-up or a worker. I just can't. Well maybe, just maybe, it's an indication to not worry so much because God is in control and worrying won't benefit me. Worrying won't add hours to the day. Worrying can't stop what is going to happen. So, I should stop worrying, unnecessarily.

I need a new strategy to study. Any ideas? Somehow, what motivates me to study is to worry. To worry that I might fail at a certain subject. To worry that I can't get into the stream I want next year. So, is worrying a good thing? Maybe worrying a little is good for me. Heh, the irony.

*I hope I'm making sense. :)

Recently, I have been asked to teach in Children's Church along with a few friends of my age. We are paired up with a teacher to work together to explain a lesson to the children. It was pretty intimidating because these teachers have been around for ages (every since I started going for Sunday School) and they are extremely professional... So, long story short, I taught today, for the second time. My first time was last Sunday. :D

It went alright, thanks to the guidance of my "boss". But, that's not my point. I was given an entire outlook of the lesson and I had to read and understand the lesson. After so many years of being a Sunday Schooler, I manage to get a little behind the scene taste of being a teacher. It was not easy - to get the points in your head, to seize the attention of children &to make the lesson interesting. I really salute all Children Church teachers. But, that's not my point too.

The main point of today's Sunday School lesson is The Devil is a Liar. You see, the devil is always out to lie to us, to make us think that we're failures, to stop us from being the person we are created to be. He is out to break &destroy. That's when God comes in. God is truth and we are his most treasured possession. We are uniquely created and He gave each of us different talents, purpose &calling. It's so easy to trust God, because everything He says is so true, so pure &so sincere. Yet, we - I included - still succumb to the lies that the devil says.

Serving in the children's ministry has definitely benefited me a whole lot. I am never too old to be reminded that the devil is the father of all lies for no matter how old I get, the devil will be there, ready to shoot me with lies. The things that are taught in children's church takes the children very far in life.
It's the foundation for the battle - between us and the devil - that we - Christians - face.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against authorities, against the power of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 
- Ephesians 6:12

I also learnt that I don't have to be perfect to serve. There's nothing I can do that will ever be good or big enough for God for He is just plain great! I don't have to be afraid of making mistakes because I have to make my own mistakes and learn from them, in order to be better.

Not only that, serving in the children ministry is fun. The children's bright and dazzling smile always make my Sundays albeit they can be a little cheeky a memorable one. I just love those cutie pies so so much!

Till then.