Friday, March 18, 2011


thankyou Lord, for everything you have done in my life.

Hello beautiful people! (:
Firstly, sorry for a super super late update! (:
I'm loving this picture! Anyhoos, I just got back from CF Camp two days ago! *crowd goes wild* (: CF Camp twentyeleven is AWESOME! Though I miss Peacehaven alot, but MBS Rawang is not that bad after all. They have a olimpic size swimming pool there. Dorms are beautiful; air-conditioned! The campsite is huge! So much bigger than I've expected.

What do I like most about CF Camp?
The sessions.
The worship was great. I enjoyed myself during worship. The speaker was great too. 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me' (: Beautiful verse

Candlelight? You must be wondering. It's not a romantic dinner which you have a table set before you with a candle placed in the middle of the table. Well, we, campers, gather outside together in the dark (night) and sing praises to the Lord. We have guitarist strumming their guitars and a huge crowd clapping their hands. Woah, it's awesome. Everyone (almost everyone) was jumping and dancing to the songs we sang. It's nice to have candlelight in Peacehaven for it is in Genting, where it is cold, and we won't sweat so much when we're doing it. Look at the plus side, jumping and dancing means sweating, sweating means losing a few pounds, losing a few pounds means getting fit, getting fit means getting healthy! So candlelight is good! (: *thumbs up!*

Games & Free times.
Games were great! Especially the swimming pool game. We had to collect as much water as we can with our hair. So us, girls (the victims), had to wet our hair and collect as much water as we can. Although it's a very tiring game, but it was somewhat fun (:. FREETIME!! I didn't sleep or rest during freetime. Instead, some of my friends and I were in the indoor stadium playing badminton (we brought our rackets!). Although it was raining on the first day, but we had an indoor stadium to play in, so thank God! (: On the second day, we had permission to play in the pool. So without hesitation, we all jumped into the pool and had fun! (:

Fellowship with God and friends.
Had a nice time talking to God during sessions and morning prayer. And I definitely had an amazing fellowship time with all my friends. Made loads of new Form One friends (ohmygosh! They're so cute!) and got to get closer to so many of my friends. Thank you O Lord! Thank you for friends that I can talk to and hang out with. (:

Lastly, the FOOD! (:
Ohmygosh! Food was delicious. But on the other hand, I got food poisoning after I got back from camp. I paid many visits to my toilet. Never been so close to my toilet before >.< . But when I logged into Facebook, I realized I was not the only one that got food poisoning after camp. tsk. tsk. Food may be delicious, but they are dangerous too. LOL.

Overall, camp was super-duper-mega TERRIFIC! (:
Can't believe I'm saying this so soon, but I can't wait for...CF Camp twenty-twelve! (:

Keep smiling!
Nothing is impossible, through Him. (:
*love love!

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