Sunday, May 30, 2010


Hey Hey :) Yesterday I woke up around 10am. My eyes could barely open. Really tired. Suddenly something or someone spoke to me '' JenYee!! Open your eyes! BJTC today. You have absolutely no time! Get ready.'' That really woke me up. Then I quickly changed into my uniform, then put on my bolo and belt. Took my pencil box, note book, bible and ranger's file put them into my bag. Went into my room, grab a pair of socks, ran out put on my socks and shoes; Soon my mom was ready and we started walking to church.

I'm quite scared of going for JTC (Junior Training Camp). Because the commanders are like, it's a tough camp, not a relaxing and fun camp. That really worries me; well you know, I'm the type that wants to have fun and all. So I'm pretty worried whether I can take the pain or not. God HELP me! :D

After a few minutes I reached church. Then I went to the canteen. Saw almost all of the Adventure Rangers Girls there. Wheeee!! So most of them are attending the camp! Woohoo.. That took half of my worries away. Hugged everyone ;)

Then Cmdr Terrance asked us to take our stuff and go into the room. The room looked prettieee :) The tables were covered with blue cloth. So nice. Then Joy and I chose the second table then we sat down and relax. :D Ann, Debra and Sarah were behind me. Man! Ann is so crazy! (WAIT! She's always crazy)

The course last around 3 hours. Then I went for rangers.
Something I learnt from Girls talk :
'' Friends are like chalks, they come and leave a mark in your life.''

JenYeeeeeah ;)

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