Tuesday, June 05, 2012

A great companion

The name that I will never ever forget.
He will always be in my heart and all his silly but cute actions will always be replaying in my mind.
I will always remember how cool he looked when he had that black collar on.
I will always remember how he barked when he wanted food. 
I will always remember his unfailing run towards me to greet me whenever I - happy or sad - came home. 
I will always remember the way he wagged his tail whenever he saw a treat in my hand.
I will always remember the way he sat and slept by the gate. He would stick his head into the house and would always put his puppy eyes on whenever he sees us; hoping that we would let him come in even though he knows that the answer was always no. (My mom is allergic to fur, so she's really strict about Snoopy entering our house) 
You seldom get angry, unless someone tries to take your food away. 
You didn't need a latch whenever I take you on a walk. You would aways walk by my side - making sure that I was alright. You are the bodyguard that I never hired. 

I will always remember that day when dad brought you home. I was still very young then and you were too. You were as small as a baby and looked how big you've grown! You light up my childhood. I remember how happy I was when dad finally allowed us to rare a pet. You were my first pet. You used to pee around a lot, but as you matured, you stopped and only did it at places that were allowed to. 

But one day, you followed mom and dad to church but you never came back, and the funny thing was it wasn't your first time following them to church. We looked high and low for you, but you were never found. And we lost you for exactly a year now. We missed you so much Snoopy! You were a great companion and a friend that I would never trade for anything in this world. I pray that you're still alright and that you would come back. I miss everything about you! Whenever I see dogs around the neighbourhood, I would always hoped that it was you. 

Up till now, our front yard is still quiet. And I think it's going to stay like that for a long while.

Where ever you are, I just wanted to let you know that I love you, Snoopy! I always will!

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