Monday, October 18, 2010

A simple Life

Sunrise or Sunset?

Sunrise, you're happy.
Sunset, you're feeling sad.
-by Emily + Elisa

How cute! :)

Hello! :)
It's Monday! You've guessed it! Monday = English Class = A great story to share! :) yeah! So here's what I've learnt in English Tuition today...

'The happiest person don't necessarily have the best of everything;
They make the best out of everything.'

'Live simply.
Love generously.
Care deeply.
Speak kindly.'

Live Simply.
Having branded goods or cute dresses or cool canggih handphone is important in life. So what if I have the most expensive/most pretty dress? It doesn't make me a better person. Doesn't mean that wearing a plain t-shirt everywhere I go makes me a bad person.
And there you have it, Live Simply. Having the best of everything isn't everything.

Love Generously + Care Deeply.
Now, this is one of my hardest tasks to complete. Loving someone that I have problem mixing with is kind of hard. I AGREE! But we face this kind of situation for a reason. We have to learn how to love our enemy like how we love ourselves.
Where can we get everlasting love from? God. He loves us so much. He gives us everything. It's time to share (:

Speak Kindly.
Speak nicely/kindly to everyone. It's like the shirt example, what's the use of having such a cool shirt on but what comes out from our mouth is not something to be proud of? Think about it :)

Share this with someone... I just did :)
Random fact ;
I have two huge pimple on my face >.< style="font-weight: bold;">

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